"IP: Intellectual Properties,
Infinite Possibilities!™"

Welcome: to our temporary web site while we renovate! Here, you will get a brief "Pelican's Perspective™" of our "BUBBULOUS™" world and creative Boston based company! For a vast "Fish-Eye View" and in-depth detailed information about our creative character story properties and company be sure to visit our "CELL PHONE VIEW" web site where you will find an ocean of information and visual content to peruse, including historical information on our company, life's work, and creations.

ABOUT US: We are a community oriented creative content company and provider of premium quality character driven story properties for children's Television & Film. We have a proud tradition of creating unique, morally grounded, children's stories that often focus on addressing the issues that face many inner city kids. Our "Smartoons™" are cartoons that "educate as well as entertain™!" (SMARTOONS™, since the 1970's, Registered in the 1990's.)

SOME OF OUR BRANDS: Master Suki-Yaki & The Wisdom Tree™, Karate Marty Mantis™, Kung Fu Koala™, Jiu Jitsu Roo™, The Mighty Three™, Kung Fu Panda Power™, Zito The Super Samurai Mosquito™, EDEN FIVE™, Force FIVE™, Lucky Lizard & Friends™, Demo Joe & Friends™, Kid Cupid & Friends™, Atomic Horizon™, and a host of other distinct intellectual properties.

Jayme Gordon Copyright

COMMUNITY & COMMERCIAL LICENSING: "Community First, Commerce Second!™" We provide limited (free) licenses to community programs that fall within the guidelines of causes we support, including but not limited to, Environmental & Wildlife Preservation, Animal & Educational Causes, Children's health & hospitals, and Inner City Community Support Programs. We also have licensing opportunities available for our incalculably vast libraries of character driven children's story properties, as well as thematic content ideal for a variety of markets and platforms for Commercial mass-market industries. *No license, copy, or use is granted without our expressed written consent.

Jayme Gordon Copyright

Jayme Gordon Copyright

Jayme Gordon Copyright

PEACE INITIATIVE: We have had a lifelong goal of planting the seeds of peace through out inner cities and on through international borders. We have a variety of creative stories that propagate the message of peace and are available for various mediums from publishing to film. One of those stories, is Jayme Gordon's "The Great Dinosaur War™". For more information on it as well as limited Community (free) and Commercial licensing opportunities, please visit our "CELL PHONE VIEW" web site, or write us for a copy of the book.

Jayme Gordon COPYRIGHT

ANTI DRUGS & CRIME INITIATIVE: We have a plethora of uniquely distinct character role models, such as those featured in many of our creative character story properties like, "The Hug-A Bugs™", and super heroes, such as "Zito The Super Samurai Mosquito™", and "Karate Marty Mantis™", as well as "The ZIA™", "Zito Intelligence Agency™", with its "BUGS AGAINST DRUGS™" inner city initiative. These role model properties have programs that support community education designed to further perpetuate the positive effects of living a drug, crime, and violence free lifestyle. For limited Community (free) and Commercial licensing of this property, please visit our "CELL PHONE VIEW" web site, or write us for further details.

COMMUNITY ART PROGRAMS: For more information about a variety of inner city initiatives and "Art" programs, as well as our book, "How To Draw ART™" featuring our character "Arthur The Artist™", please write us!


CONTACT US: The Jayme Gordon Company, P.O. Box 1227, Randolph, MA, 02368

Jayme Gordon Copyright
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